What's Yours?
From the Quizilla website:
Your Daemon, as in the Philip Pullman series His Dark Materials, is a physical manifestation of part of your soul - it is your intimate companion, and comforter, and it is that little voice inside your head. Its gender is usually the opposite of yours, although some people have a daemon of the same sex. It always takes the form of an animal.
My Daemon!

RAVEN - Your daemon may be a member of the crow
family. You are intelligent, observant, and
gregarious. Just as a crow or raven picks shiny
objects out of the dirt, you pick up tidbits of
information or ideas and store them away. You
have a good sense of humour, but sometimes lose
patience with people who are antipathic to your
nature. You are swift to alert others when you
find the truth, and you have no tolerance for
those who would hide it.
HM's Daemon, hehe!

CAT - your daemon may be a cat if you are
independent and comfort loving. You follow your
heart and do what you want to do - no matter
what others think. You have a strong sense of
your own worth, and an inner dignity. You may
be loving and generous in one moment, and then
lash out at someone in the next. You have as
many moods as there are colours in a rainbow,
and you wear them all brilliantly. You always
know what you want right now - although in five
minutes you may change your mind and set your
sights elsewhere. You like to do things with
style and flair. When someone else orders you to do something, do
you feel an unholy urge to do exactly the
opposite? That just might be your inner daemon
What Is Your Daemon?
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