Ingratitude (formerly entitled Untitled 1)
Like nestlings
They cackle and caw
Mouths agape
Bottomless maws
“What’s taking you so long?”
“Isn't that your job?”
“You chose this. Why complain?”
You forget -
No one chooses to be taken for granted.
inspired by random and some not-so-random events and people in my life
Like nestlings
For those of you who asked when this would be written, the moment to do so had not yet arrived. Today it did.
"Thank you"
My dear readers, you may need a dictionary to read this one, but, fear not, it will greatly improve your vocabulary lol.
I spent 37 years learning how to swim. You could say I’m an expert at swimming lessons.
When chances breathe between the silence - Elton John
Your trip to nowhere brought these scenes back, in a flash….
Whatever or whoever your poison, this one's for you. God bless us all :)
Deserted corridor.
A friend of mine once said, in a play he wrote, “The problem with Singapore is that there are no natural disasters.” He was talking about Singaporeans being complacent and whiny. There's nothing like a regular dose of Mother Earth's fury to correct any human arrogance and instill humility. Character-building, that's what we call this in school. I'm not sure how long human memory retains such lessons learnt. All I know is that the absence of such phenomena breeds a morbid obsession with disasters of all sorts, natural or otherwise. 9-11, Bali bombing, Boxing Day tsunami, London bombings, Hurricane Katrina - you name it, we watched it, on CNN, BBC, CNBC, Channelnewsasia.
The splendour falls on castle walls.
What do you see when you look in your mirror?
Dedicated to Babyface and Damienne
My namesake - this one's for you
Dedicated to those who fill my life with beauty everyday
Thank god for Teachers’ Day.
The week started with many broken pieces,