inspired by random and some not-so-random events and people in my life

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Walking, Wounded

To my care-givers – Angel, Sunshine, Leng Lui and Bobby T aka Peacock – who are ironically less than half my age. What would I do without you to put a smile on my face? With much love and appreciation...

Thank you, my dears,
For your indignation,
Your care and your concern.
The wound from that day,
'Twas but a superficial nick,
‘S healing fine.
A little outrage, perhaps,
At being so impudently maligned,
But on the desecrated hand,
No scar lies in waiting,
No wound festers
No sore, re-opened repeatedly,
Quite unlike the other.
The latter remains
A little sensitive to the touch
But with time too will that heal,
No worries.
That it still hurts, sometimes,
'S living testimony to
Vulnerable heart,
Significant offender.
That I choose to stay put,
You may not understand now, and
Perhaps not ever.
Take comfort in knowing
That your presence soothes and salves
A heart that stays to grow
Stronger and wiser.


Blogger k said...

"everything but the girl" eh? ironically, IT IS everything but the girl.

12:11 PM

Blogger blobbes said...

haha yes indeed. incidentally did I forget to mention that, once, many years ago, I sat with a wet tush in a waterlogged grass patch underneath a block of flats, staring up at a apartment above, underneath a star-speckled sky, for hours? the same applied then :)

12:42 PM

Blogger Clairin T said...


3:28 PM

Blogger blobbes said...

I'm practising hard to be a happy ATM, content with my role in life. Hush, this takes a lot of concentration lol...

5:53 PM

Blogger C. said...

my atm no money le ..

8:37 PM


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