Running on Empty
This is an odd choice of analogy for someone who is a self-avowed non-driver… ah well, some metaphor is better than no metaphor…
The car spluttered and stalled
For the umpteenth time
In four months.
Get rid of this lemon,
Well-meaning friends said.
But to part, I wasn’t ready for.
A little tinkering perhaps,
A little TLC of course,
Nothing a visit to the mechanic
Wouldn’t solve
Couldn’t solve
I thought.
Yet there I was
Pushing the car uphill,
Thankless a task indeed
A faint trail of petrol in the dust
Told me all I needed to know.
Tapping the fuel gauge,
The needle dipped ominously to
Way below zero.
What have I been doing
Running on empty?
My bank account is fine, thank you.
It gets replenished every month.
Money can always be earned.
The same can’t be said for
Our bank account
Which takes two to fill.
Your withdrawals far exceed
My deposits.
Is it time
To close the account?
hmm...SWISS bank
12:49 PM
nah my modest income does not necessitate a swiss bank account lol.
2:16 PM
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